Where Do We Work

The Migrant Response Plan (MRP) for the Horn of Africa to Yemen and Southern Africa operates within and across the six countries comprising the Eastern and Southern Route: Djibouti, Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, Tanzania, and Yemen. The MRP coordinating office is based in Nairobi, Kenya. The key priorities in each country vary by each country’s mobility flows and host community interactions in relation to the Eastern and Southern Route.

Ethiopia is the main country of origin for Eastern and Southern Route migrants. Simultaneously, Ethiopia is also faced with a high rate of returns (spontaneous, voluntary humanitarian return, non-voluntary) both from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia as well as from neighbouring country Djibouti. Djibouti is a main transit country along the Eastern Route due to its border with Ethiopia and proximity to Yemen via the Gulf of Aden. The heavy inflow of migrants from Ethiopia often leads to protection risks such as detainment by border authorities and/or exploitation by smugglers. Somalia serves as a transit country and a country of origin along the Eastern Route where Somali migrants begin their journey and Ethiopian migrants transit through. In addition to protection risks, migrants in Somalia traverse a complex environment experiencing clan conflicts, areas with political vacuums and extremist groups. For the Southern Route, migrants transit through Kenya, the United Republic of Tanzania, and other Southern African countries in order to reach South Africa. 

Migrants face harsh physical conditions enduring extreme heat with limited access to food, water, and/or medicine. Furthermore, the impacts of the Horn of Africa drought continues to impact transiting migrants and host communities along both routes. Lastly, Yemen is the main transit point across the Gulf of Aden for Eastern Route migrants intending to reach the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and other Gulf States. Due to ongoing conflict in Yemen, migrants face extreme protection risks such as human trafficking, forced recruitment, physical and psychological abuse. Migrants in Yemen often become stranded, struggle to access humanitarian services, and have no options to return.

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