IOM, Save The Children and UNICEF Call for Concerted Efforts To Combat Child Trafficking in East and Horn of Africa
Nairobi, Kenya – On World Day Against Trafficking in Persons (30 July 2024) …
Surviving a Shipwreck Off Djibouti's Shore – Mahmoud and Mohamed's Testimonies
Mahmoud was 18 when he saw the sea for the first time. He recalls how fear overwhelmed him. When he embarked on his journey from Ethiopia to Saudi Arabia, this young Ethiopian shepherd had no idea…
IOM and Partners Seek $112 Million US Dollars To Assist Migrants in the Horn of Africa to Yemen and Southern Africa
IOM and partners for the Regional Migrant Response Plan (MRP) for the Horn of Africa to Yemen and Southern Africa are seeking at least $112M dollars to support over two million migrants who are in…
Regional Migrant Response Plan (MRP) for the Horn of Africa to Yemen and Southern Africa
The MRP is a comprehensive, route-based, inter-agency framework, coordinated by the International Organization for Migration (IOM), and responds to the persistent humanitarian and protection needs of migrants affected by drivers of migration including natural hazard-induced disasters, protracted conflict and socioeconomic drivers. The MRP also considers longer-term development interventions to build resilience at the individual and community levels and institutional capacities. The Eastern Route, runs from the Horn of Africa to the Arabian Peninsula, and has long been the busiest migratory corridor in the East and Horn of Africa region. Migrants, particularly from Somalia and Ethiopia, move along this route in an irregular manner toward the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and other Gulf States through Djibouti and Yemen. In 2024, the MRP formally included the Southern Route. Migrants traveling along the Southern Route also overwhelmingly originate from Somalia and Ethiopia transiting through Kenya, the United Republic of Tanzania, and other Southern African countries in order to reach South Africa.
What is the MRP
The Regional Migrant Response Plan (MRP) for the Horn of Africa and Yemen is an inter-agency and inter-regional plan bringing together 48 organizations to provide urgent life-saving humanitarian and protection support and enhance access to basic services and medium- to long-term actions aimed at addressing the drivers of migration for migrants and host communities.

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