In 2024, the projected number of people in need (PiN) of humanitarian assistance is 2,173,087. MRP partners will target 1,386,730 people, including 628,947 migrants and 757,783 host community members. A total of $112.2 million will be required to meet the needs of the target population for 2024 across the six countries that conform to the MRP: Djibouti, Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, Tanzania, and Yemen. The MRP is a four-year plan from 2021-2024 and produces an annual appeal for each year.

What is the MRP

The Regional Migrant Response Plan (MRP) for the Horn of Africa and Yemen is an inter-agency and inter-regional plan bringing together 48 organizations to provide urgent life-saving humanitarian and protection support and enhance access to basic services and medium- to long-term actions aimed at addressing the drivers of migration for migrants and host communities. The MRP provides a route-based, coherent, consistent, and essential strategic framework to ensure a whole-of-government and whole-of-society response to address the drivers of migration and migrant vulnerabilities in the Horn of Africa to Yemen and Southern Africa. The MRP sets the standard for accountable, inclusive, and flexible coordination in responding to large-scale and complex migration situations. It provides the vehicle through which MRP partners, including concerned governments and donors, seek to foster joint humanitarian, development, and migration governance initiatives.

The MRP for the Horn of Africa to Yemen and Southern Africa builds on the principles outlined in the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly, and Regular Migration and seeks to complement and strengthen the national responses of governments, in line with the humanitarian-development-peace nexus. The plan’s overall implementation is led by governments and supported by the Intergovernmental Authority on Development, UN agencies, non-governmental organizations, international non-governmental organizations, and civil society organizations, and other partners (think tanks, academic institutions, etc.). Through inter-agency planning, the MRP works through existing strategic frameworks towards the humanitarian-development-peace nexus, which demonstrates the international community’s joint effort and commitment to complement and strengthen national and regional comprehensive responses of governments and local partners to address the multiple vulnerabilities comprehensively and foster strong socioeconomic outcomes for migrants and communities of origin, transit, and destination. The MRP leverages partners' multi-sectoral and complementary capacity, reflecting a commitment towards the collective outcomes to provide a comprehensive and effective response that maintains a balance between immediate, life-saving humanitarian assistance and longer-term responses directed towards resilience and sustainable solutions

Our Partners