MRP Communications Strategy 2023-2024

The Communications strategy was developed by MRP Partners to enhance the visibility of the MRP framework and its beneficiaries. The MRP is an inter-agency and inter-regional plan that brings together 48 organizations to provide humanitarian and development support and ensure continuity of services to the migrants and host communities along the Eastern Route that runs from the Horn of Africa to Yemen. The route-based MRP also seeks to address the adverse drivers of irregular migration and promotes a whole-of-government and whole-of-society response to the Eastern Route migration challenges.
The communications strategy for the MRP offers a strategic approach to raising awareness and understanding the MRP Framework and the situation facing migrants along the Eastern Route by utilizing the power of communication and outreach, through media engagement, content production, use of social media, campaigns and events, goodwill ambassadors and high-profile supporters.
MRP Communications Strategy 2023-2024